The fourth novel in the Ben Cooper and Diane Fry series
soon as he opened the door, he could hear the screaming. It ripped through the
damp air and shrieked in the yews. It echoed from the gravestones and died
against the walls. It was like the sound of an animal, dying in pain. Yet this
sound was human.
With every breath he took,
Derek Alton seemed to draw the noise into his own lungs with the air, until
something like an answering scream came from deep inside him. The asthmatic
wheeze of his inflamed air passages was so high pitched that his ears couldn’t
locate its direction, but identified it as a noise that came from the air around
him. The pain in his upper chest told him where that noise came from.
With shaking fingers, he
brushed some of the dust from his sleeve. The exertion had made his collar stick
to the back of his neck, and a few strands of hair had fallen over his forehead,
where they lay like barbed wire on his skin. He rubbed at a fresh scratch on his
knuckles, but managed only to smear a streak of blood across the back of his
hand. He could taste dust in his mouth, too – old dust, the debris of
years, stirred into the air by a random act of violence.
The screaming reminded
Now he waited, expecting
to hear other noises. At first, there was only the stirring of the breeze in the
yews and the drip of rainwater from the ivy on the church walls. But gradually,
he began to distinguish something else – a rhythmic thudding. It
reverberated inside a room some distance away, well beyond the first houses on
the road into Withens. It was like a ritual drumbeat, folding over on itself and
creating multiple layers of sound. He shivered as he recognized the undertones
of menace, which spoke of imminent death.
Then there was a burst of
laughter somewhere in the village, followed by the slam of a door. A female
voice shouted something that
Death had been on Derek
Alton’s mind all day. He had awoken with a jolt in the early hours of the
morning, panicking that he might have disturbed Caroline with one of his bad
dreams. But as soon as he opened his eyes and stared at the faint light on the
bedroom curtains, he realized that his mind had been banging back and forth like
a pendulum, swinging between the distant dualities of darkness and light, winter
and spring, death and renewal. He might have been thinking of the end of winter
and the first invasion of spring. But,
mostly, he was sure he had been thinking of death.
He turned back towards the
nave and squinted at the figure moving slowly out of the light to stand beside
him. Once they were standing close together, the porch of the church seemed far
too small.
Neil Granger was wearing a black leather jacket of the
kind that
‘You might as well go,
Neil,’ said
Neil had sweat was running
from his temples into the black smudges on his cheeks. He wiped a hand down the
side of his face, spreading the smudges even more. But he looked at
‘Are you sure you’re
all right?’
‘I’m fine,’ said
‘Don’t hold your
breath, then. They might get here next Easter.’
‘I know, I know. But all
the same ….’
‘You want to do things
by the rules.’
‘You like rules, don’t
you? It goes with the job, I suppose.’
‘Well, there are
the Ten Commandments.’ But
‘In Withens?’ said
‘Yes, even in Withens.’
‘I think you’ll find
they’ve broken all the tablets of stone.’
A few feet away, a
blackbird scuttled into the undergrowth over the horizontal gravestones that lay
like fallen monoliths in front of the church. The blackbirds were always the
last to go to their roosts in the dusk. They hopped jerkily across the graves in
the half-light and rustled hopefully among the dead leaves, searching for
insects and larvae. It was enough to make some people nervous of entering the
church at this time of night. Even the blackbird had its duality. It was a
creature of darkness, as much as of light.
Neil flapped the lapels of
his jacket to fan his face.
‘I appreciate what
you’ve done, Neil,’ he said.
But instead of
‘Vicar,’ he said,
‘I’m sorry.’
‘What for?’ said
Neil waved a hand vaguely
towards the village. ‘Well, all this. It’s not what you expected, is it? Not
what you deserve really, I suppose.’
‘I don’t know what you
mean, Neil.’
Neil laughed, then coughed
as the dust got into his throat. around
the young man’s shoulder and tell him it was all right. Whatever Neil was
apologizing for, it was perfectly all right. But he hesitated, worrying that the
gesture might be misinterpreted, then cursing himself for being so cautious. He
ought to be able to give forgiveness, if that was what Neil Granger needed. But
by the time the reactions had run through his brain, the moment had passed, and
it was too late.
In any case, Neil
immediately seemed to have forgotten what he had been saying, and his mood
changed again.
‘Well, like I said,
we’ll tackle the churchyard this weekend.’
‘Yes,’ said Alton.
‘We’ll do that.’
‘I was hoping Philip
would help us, but he’s being mardy about it.’
‘Your brother is busy
these days. I understand.’
‘Some new business he’s got involved in. I don’t
know what he’s up to any more. But we’ll get it sorted between the two of
us, eh? Remember, Vicar – death and renewal, winter and spring – .’
‘The darkness and the
‘That’s it. Time for a
bit of light on the subject, I reckon.’
Neil turned to look at the
vicar then, but Alton could barely see his eyes. They, too, were dark, and they
were at the wrong angle to catch the light leaking into the porch from the nave.
Alton couldn’t tell what expression was on Neil’s face. But a strange
thought ran through his mind. If he had been able to read Neil’s eyes at that
moment, he might not have seen any expression at all – only a reflection
of the gravestones outside in the churchyard.
‘I’ve got to be up
early in the morning, anyway,’ said Neil.
Alton nodded. ‘Do you
remember, the year before last – ?’
But Neil held up a hand
before Alton could finish his question.
‘I don’t even want to
think about it,’ he said. ‘Two years ago, Emma should have been there.’
‘Of course. I’m
‘It’s all right. I
suppose it seems a long time ago now, for most people. I don’t expect
everybody to remember.’
‘But I do remember,’
said Alton. ‘And there are her parents, of course.’
‘Oh, her parents
remember,’ said Neil.
Because of the failing
light, Alton could see little beyond the wall of the churchyard now, except the
lights in Withens. He was sure it wasn’t Caroline’s voice he
had heard in the village earlier. Perhaps it had been Fran Oxley, or even
Lorraine, or one of the other members of the Oxley family.
But it definitely wasn’t
Caroline – she would never laugh like that, or shout so loudly in public.
At this moment, Caroline would be walking past the Old Rectory,
averting her eyes from the house and garden until she could turn into the
crescent and reach their bungalow.
Somewhere in the darkness
beyond the street
lights was Waterloo Terrace, where the Oxleys lived. Alton could
picture the eight brick cottages, tightly packed like a row of soldiers,
standing shoulder to shoulder against the larger stone buildings that clustered
around them.
Derek Alton and Neil Granger stood in the church porch a few moments longer, listening to the noises from the village. The screaming faded, then grew louder again.
‘Does that sound like a rat to you?’ said Neil.
‘Yes, it does.’
Neil nodded. 'OK, then.’
He rubbed at his face as he began to walk away down the flagged path. His clothes rustled like the sound of the blackbird in the dead leaves. Alton lifted his head for a second to look towards the village. And when he turned back, he found that Neil had already disappeared into the darkness beyond the yew trees.
Later, Derek Alton would have a lot to regret. He would be sorry that he hadn’t watched Neil Granger leave, and hadn’t observed the moment when the young man passed out of his sight. Perhaps he could have called Neil back and said something that might have changed his mind. But he hadn’t. Alton had been too distracted by the noise coming from the village, and too absorbed in his own concerns. He would feel guilty for that, too.
But most of all, Derek Alton would regret not saying goodbye.
were ten more dead bodies to collect that night. Others had probably died
underground, or had been trapped deep in the spaces between the stone arches and
the hillside behind them. But Sandy Norton wasn’t satisfied.
‘We’re going to have
to put more poison down,’ he said. ‘The buggers are breeding like, well – .’
Norton shone his torch into the mouth of the middle
portal. It was one of the nineteenth century tunnels, the old westbound line,
which wasn’t used for anything these days. The railway track had long since
been ripped up, and the tunnel abandoned. The arched walls glistened with water,
and a small stream ran into a stone conduit near his feet. Just beyond the limit
of his torch beam, there were shadowy, scurrying movements on the dirt floor.
‘It makes you wonder
what they find to eat,’ said his mate, Jeff Cade, as he took off his rubber
gloves and put them away in a pocket of his overalls. ‘I mean, aren’t they
supposed to live near people? You’re never more than six feet away from a rat,
and all that? But there are no houses around here any more.’
Norton laughed.
‘That’s no problem. Look up there, where the old station and platforms used
to be. You see that car park and the picnic area, right? Well, that’s like a
drive-in McDonald’s as far as these little buggers are concerned. Just think –
there’s all the food that people leave on the grass when they’ve been having
their picnics, and all the bits of sandwiches and chocolate bars, and God knows
what, that they chuck out of their car windows. There’s thousands of people
coming past here, especially at the weekend, ever since they turned the old
railway line into a footpath.’
‘It’s called the
Longdendale Trail. I know.’
‘And then there’s the
road up there – the A628. Have you ever seen how much stuff lorry drivers
bung out of their cabs? You can’t walk along the roadside up there without
getting splattered with lumps of flying pork pie and pasties. It’s disgusting.
Particularly when they have tomato sauce. I hate tomato sauce. But it means
there’s waste food lying all along the roadside. Not to mention the cafes in
the laybys. The bins are overflowing with rubbish up there sometimes.’
‘I suppose you’re
‘No, there might not be
people living here any more. But the whole world comes by to feed the rats in
‘It’s a good job they
can’t get to the cables in the other tunnel. They can gnaw their way through
given time, can rats.’
‘We need some more
poison, anyway,’ said Norton.
A few yards away, in the
old eastbound tunnel, a pair of four hundred thousand volt cables ran through a
concrete trough. The cables entered the tunnel three miles away at Dunford
Bridge, carrying a section of the National Grid between Yorkshire and
Manchester. As they emerged again at Woodhead, they ran past a relay room, then
up into a series of giant pylons that marched down the valley towards
Manchester. The abandoned Woodhead tunnels had saved the moors from being
covered in pylons for those three miles.
Sandy Norton had often
admired the quality of the stonework in the tunnel arches, which had survived in
good condition for more than a hundred and fifty years. But their present use
was one the navvies who built the tunnels couldn’teven
have imagined as they hacked their way through the hill with their pickaxes and
In fact, those navvies wouldn’t even have been able to
imagine the newer two-track tunnel to the south, which had been cut in the 1950s
and accommodated the country’s first electrified rail line. That tunnel was
empty, too, now. Apart from the little battery-powered
locomotive that ran on the maintenance track in the National Grid cableway,
the last trains had run through the Woodhead tunnels over twenty years ago.
Norton and Cade were
packing up to leave the site when a car slowed and stopped on the road overhead.
They heard it pull on
to the bare concrete pad where a house had once stood above the
tunnel entrances, but which was now no more than a pull-in for a good view down
the valley. After a few moments, the car started up again and drove off.
‘That was an old
Volkswagen Beetle,’ said Norton.
‘How do you know
‘I recognize the sound
of the engine. It’s distinctive – air-cooled, you know. I used to have
a Beetle myself years ago, when I was a lad.’
‘Have we finished with
these rats, then?’
‘For now,’ said
Norton. He turned off his torch. ‘You know, I wouldn’t like to walk through
this tunnel in the dark.’
Cade shuddered. ‘Me
neither. Three miles in the dark? No thanks. It’d be bad enough, even without
the rats.’
He turned back towards their van. But Norton didn’t
follow him immediately. He was looking up at the stones over the arch of the
tunnel mouth. He’d once been told that the navvies who built the old tunnels
had been very superstitious men. They were convinced that their tunnelling had
disturbed something deep in the hill, which had been the cause of all the
disasters that happened to them – the tragedies that had earned Woodhead
the nickname ‘Railwaymen’s Graveyard’. Norton had heard that when the
navvies had finished tunnelling, their final act had been to carve faces at each
of the tunnel entrances,
to control the evil spirits. But if the carvings were
still there, they were so worn now that he couldn’t make them out.
Sandy Norton shrugged. He
didn’t know about evil spirits. But the faces hadn’t done much to control
the rats.
Finally, he locked the steel gate that prevented unauthorized access to the middle tunnel. All three tunnels had their own gates. Without them, rail enthusiasts and others who were even less welcome would always be trying to get into the tunnels. Some of those folk would want to walk all three miles to the other end, just to prove they could do it. They wouldn’t be bothered by the rats. They wouldn’t take any notice of the risk from the high-voltage power cables. They wouldn’t even be deterred by the National Grid’s yellow and black signs on the gates. The meaning of the signs was clear enough, with their symbol of a black lightning bolt cutting through a body. It was clear even without their message, which read: ‘Danger of Death’.
the phone rang in the Old Rectory, Sarah Renshaw stopped what she was doing and
looked at the nearest clock. It would be important to have the exact time, when
the moment came.
She was in the sitting
room, where the mahogany wall clock said five minutes past ten. Sarah checked
her watch, and adjusted the minute hand slightly so that it read the same. She
didn’t want there to be any confusion. All the times were important –
the time Emma had last been seen, the time her train had left Wolverhampton, the
time she should have arrived home. And the exact minute they got news that she
had been found would be vital. Sarah felt comforted by the recording of the
minutes. It was more thanjust
a ritual. Time was important.
Howard had gone to answer
the phone, so Sarah waited. In the middle of their big oak Jacobean sideboard, a
candle was burning. The wick was already half
way down, and the melted wax was pooling in the brass holder. There
were plenty more candles in one of the drawers, and Sarah wanted to light a new
one right
away to mark the moment, as if the act itself would make a
difference. But she hugged her hands under her armpits and restrained herself as
she listened to Howard speaking in the next room. She would be able to tell by
the tone of his voice.
Sarah looked at the clock
again. Six minutes past ten. For a moment, she panicked. Which would be most
important – the exact time the phone had rung, or the moment she had got
the news? Which would she celebrate, in the years to come?
‘Howard?’ she called.
But he didn’t respond,
and Sarah quickly calmed again. Howard’s voice was subdued. If the call had
been about Emma, she would have known it by now. The news would have
communicated itself to her through the wall. Sarah had often thought that the
call, when it came, wouldn’t produce any normal-sounding ring on their phone,
but would announce itself like a fanfare. She vaguely imagined a line of
liveried trumpeters like those who appeared with the Queen at state occasions.
Her ears already rang to the sound they made.
And certainly there would
be the sensations – the tingling and the little quivers of pleasure that
she experienced whenever she felt that Emma was close by. When the
call came, she expected a jolt like a great charge of electricity, like
the entire four hundred thousand volts from the cables that ran through the
hillside two hundred feet below their house.
Yes, when the phone call
came, she would know. Sarah would have no need to listen to the sound of
Howard’s voice, or to hear what the person at the other end of the line was
saying. The fanfare would sound, and the electricity would surge through her
body, stinging her hands and burning the skin of her face. And the mahogany wall
clock would stop of its own accord at the exact moment, at the precise second
and micro second, and it would never start again. Sarah would know.
Howard came into the
sitting room, instantly dominating it with his bulk. He was wearing a thick,
white Arran sweater that made her want to wrap her arms around
him and bury her face in the wool. But he shook his head briefly, and averted
his eyes.
Sarah had been standing at
the book
case near the door. She ran her hand along some of the spines, and
touched a folded and dog-eared piece of paper that had been used to mark a page
in Twentieth Century Design.
She tried to breathe in the scent of the books, but the familiar smells of paper
and ink seemed fainter tonight. Subjects and Symbols in Art
had a small stain on the cover that had almost faded now because Sarah had
touched it too often. She took out Art
Deco Graphics and a David Hockney book, and put them back the other way
Many of the books were inscribed in Emma’s own
handwriting on the title page. She had only put her
name and the date, but the inscriptions seemed to offer a sort of continuity, a
narrative reflecting a particular period in Emma’s life.
These were the books Emma had once handled and read, which meant that the words on their pages must have entered her mind and become part of her. Sarah was able to pick up a book that Emma had once opened, and read the words that Emma had studied.
Sarah Renshaw often found herself spending time re-arranging
the books. Perhaps by shuffling the dates on the
books, she could change the order of events in Emma’s life. If she had read this
book before that one, might things have been different? Would Emma have been at
home now, complaining that her mum was messing up the order of her books?
Sarah wiped a tear from her eye. She caught herself just before she spoke aloud, and dropped her voice to a whisper, so that Howard wouldn’t hear her.
‘I’ll help you put them back exactly how you want them, dear. We’ll do it together.’
Sarah turned away from the
case and took down a calendar from the top of the TV set. She
crossed off another day, neatly deleting it with two short, sharp strokes of a
black marker pen.
It was Day 743. Emma Renshaw had been missing for over two years.
the laughter in the village had subsided, or the woman making the noise had
moved out of earshot. Derek Alton stood in his church porch and listened to the
sound of Neil Granger’s car engine as it moved slowly out of Withens. It
climbed the road away from the village and began to cross the miles of bare
moorland towards the valley of Longdendale.
Finally, even the sound of
the engine disappeared behind the hill. The blackbirds settled into the yew
trees, Alton’s breathing returned to normal. And as it grew dark, Withens
became almost entirely silent. Except for the screaming.
Stephen Booth 2003
TO THE BONES is published in the UK by HarperCollins in paperback at £6.99
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